Boat owners are always looking for the best ways to keep their boats safe and secure, especially during the offseason. One of the most challenging aspects of owning a boat is finding a reliable boat storage facility that meets all your needs. It can be overwhelming, given the numerous options available, and finding the ideal storage facility can be daunting. At Collins Marine, we offer storage solutions to ensure your boat is in safe hands all winter long.

So, what are some essential factors to consider when choosing a boat storage?


Location is a crucial factor when choosing the type of boat storage that is best for you. You need to find a storage facility or marina that is near your boating location or residence to make it easier to transport your boat before and after your trips. Choosing a storage facility near your home offers the convenience of quickly dropping off and picking up your boat when you want to take it out. Also, a facility near your favorite boating destination is an added advantage as it cuts down on travel and tow time.

Collins Marine is conveniently located at 4444 River Road in Tonawanda, an excellent location for those who frequently boat in the Buffalo-Niagara region.



Your boat is a big investment, so you need to make sure it’s protected. At Collins Marine, we’ll take all the necessary precautions to keep your boat safe and secure throughout the winter months.

Storage Options

Boats come in different sizes, and you need to find a storage facility that accommodates the size of your boat.

At Collins Marine, we offer indoor, dry storage which is ideal for offseason storage and maintenance. Storing boats outside requires shrink wrap, which is expensive and bad for the environment. Storing your boat indoors will ensure that it stays clean and is safe from all of the elements that a Buffalo winter can bring.

Maintenance Services

Boat maintenance is an essential aspect of owning a boat. You should consider a storage facility that offers maintenance services to keep your boat in excellent condition. Such services may include battery charging, engine flushing, hull cleaning, and other minor repairs. These services help keep your boat in great condition, and you don't have to worry about significant maintenance when it's time to take your boat out for a trip. Make sure to schedule big projects for winter ahead of time.

Customer Service

Excellent customer service is essential in any business, and a boat storage facility is no exception. Look for a facility that has knowledgeable staff who can help you with any questions or concerns you may have. The staff should be friendly, helpful, and willing to go the extra mile to make your boat storage experience comfortable and satisfying.

If you choose to store your boat with Collins Marine, you will have a seamless experience from start to finish. We can not only store your boat, but we can both help you winterize and prepare you for launch.

Choosing a boat storage option is an essential decision that requires attention. Take time to research and visit the facility before making any commitments. That way, you can make an informed decision that ensures your boat is secure, well-maintained, and readily accessible whenever you need it. With these tips, you are now well-equipped to choose the ideal boat storage facility – and we hope you chose us. Contact us today to learn more about our boat storage and winterization services in beautiful Tonawanda, NY.